Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wedding in the month of March 08'

I have been to many weddings in Singapore and Malaysia. Most were traditional Chinese weddings which started off with "challenges" - The "Sisters" will have varieties of ways to tease and test the groom before he is allowed to enter the Front Door to see the Bride. The rationale of this is to remind the Groom that he had to go through difficulties and hardships in order to marry the Bride so that he will treasure her and their marriage. Next is the Tea Ceremony whereby the Groom and Bride will offer tea to their elders to show respect. Then follows a dinner reception in the evening.

As for exchanging Wedding Vows (ROM), there are many ways of carrying it out. Some will have it on the same day of the wedding day, some will have it either before the actual wedding day while some have it later.

So far, I have attended 2 weddings in States. Mercy and Stefen's wedding is the 2nd wedding that I have attended. It was at a last minute notice though!!!!!!!!! Well... Mercy and Stefen moved to Houston to teach Bikram Yoga last August. Hence when they decided to get married.... they flew back 5 days before and informed all of us. Anyhow, Hubby and I felt honored to be invited to their wedding. They had a simple wedding held in Mercy's brother's house. Their family members, relatives and friends came over to witness the ceremony. Followed by some food and drinks and cake cutting (with some actions from Mercy - pictures posted below... can anyone tell me what does that mean?)

Oh yah............... talk about the food. Must give many many many praises to one of the dishes - Grilled Salmon with brown sugar. (Ten times thumbs up!!!!!!)... photos of the salmon cos I was way way tooo engrossed in it (I think I finished almost 1/4 of one fish..... opps..... hahaha) However, I did manage to get the recipe..... ( hope my memory serves me right)

Step 1: Clean the salmon, of course lah!!!
Step 2: Slightly marinate salmon with salt and pepper
Step 3: Lay the salmon on the baking foil and top it off with brown sugar (0.5cm thick) and butter cube on top
Step 4: Grill it for 15 to 20 mins
Step 5: Pick up from the Grill.... and serve it on a plate
Step 6: Ai yo.... of course... eat lah!!!!!!!!!

Back to wedding.....Lastly, I would like to express my deepest, most heartfelt congratulations to Mercy and Stefen. May u guys have a warm and love-filled wedded life ahead, many many wonderful and sweet memories, everlasting love, joy and happiness and of course babies on board soon!!!!

Beautiful Mercy in her adorable dress - Pretty yah.....
Handsome Stefen in his suit - from Zara wow!!!!

Hubby and me.....

My outfit today: EQ:IQ top, EQ:IQ sweater, Seven jean, Hermes Kelly Bag, Chanel Boot

Friends chatting away while waiting for the ceremony

Friends chatting away while waiting for the ceremony

Mercy's Mum

Mercy's Sister

Mark, Suzanna and Barry with funny faces

Suzanna and me

Mercy's niece..... She is such a SWEET DOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her niece as the flower girl....

John performing the ceremony...

Mercy and Stefen cutting their wedding cake

Mercy throwing a slice of cake into Stefen's face.... (can anyone tell me what does that mean?)

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