My Lanvin White Patent Strappy Platform Sandals are DAMAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Lanvin White Patent Strappy Platform Sandals are DAMAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please bear with me.......... I am really very upset!!!!!!!!!!! Let me cry/scream out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I took these out to see the world for the first time................. and guess what..... (sob sob..... )
Within half an hour of walking around, I realised one of the straps was torn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First thought that came to my mind was to send it to a PROFESSIONAL Cobbler who can fix it!!!!!!!!!!!
Hubby came to the mall to pick me up (my sweet personal chauffeur... heehee...) I showed him the defective portion of my sandals and asked him to send me to the cobbler but he hesitated......... He recommended that I should call up the store and let them know about the damage.
Upon reaching home, I sent an email to the store explaining the poor situation of my beloved sandals. One of the Sales Reps responded promptly to me... (excellent efficiency!!!!!!). She gave me two options:
1) Send it to a local cobbler for repair and the store will give me a credit of USD30.
2) Exchange or return them, though exchange is not available since I have purchased the LASTTTTTT Pair...... So the only real option is to return the shoe to the store and get the full refund
(I felt that the USD30 was not really enough to fix the sandals since I've paid quite a hefty amount for them.... tried to request more... but she mentioned she was not able to give anything beyond that amount as it was the company policy... and blah.. blah .. blah....)
Initially, I was in a dilemma............. I lurrrrrvvvvvve this pair of Lanvin Sandals and do not wish to return...... However after consulting my personal fashion consultant also called hubby.....I decided to return the sandals and get the refund.....
Hubby reasoning - Firstly, USD30 will not be able to cover the cost of the repair. Secondly, this sandals will most likely experience another "breakdown" even after the repair. Thirdly, he believes ( HE IS VERY CERTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that his wife as in ME will be able to find another replacement pair of shoes in the near future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yah... Yah.... I indeed did find the "replacement".....Not ONE but ..............................
Stay tuned for the next post about the "replacement".......
OMG!!! What did you do to ur sandals. It's soooo expensive and it got spoilt like in a short while??? Go complain to the shop or even post them in newspaper. See if they have 30days money back guarantee or stuff like that!
The store do offered me a FULL REFUND. It was still a bummer though!!!
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