Friday, April 11, 2008

Winter ('07 November to '08 February)

I know... I know.... I am 1.5 months late with this posting. Snowman has already melted.....
But I still (don't stop me..........) wanted to post the winter scenery.... (probably for my own documentation). Please bear with me!!!!!

I love winter .... love snow.... snow has a calming effect on me!!!!...
Having a hot coffee/chocolate... turning on the fireplace.....relaxing on the couch.... daydreaming (thinking of wish listssssss - "Faintz") and no worries..... (wow... what a carefree life hoh!!!!!!!!...... Hubby on the other hand has to work hard to bring in bacon!!!!!!!!!! - Ai yo.... if not, who is going to fulfill my wishes or so called NEEDS..... heehee...)

Temperature ranged between -8 degrees and 10 degrees (Celsius). Freezing cold!!!! If a gust of wind blew towards you.... u would feel that your face is going to be torn apart....... Of course, putting on the right clothing is important....... and, and.... having a pair of gloves and a shawl did help a lot!!!!!!

Was told that there was a MAJOR HUGE STORM in 2004, snows were piling up to 5 feet tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Sighzzzzzzzzzzzz........ Missed that year!!!!!!!!!!!! I had yet to move to the states........ It was all Hubby's fault... he should have met me earlier.. **Poor Baby**) However, we did have a couple of huge storms this winter.....not as major though....

Oh......Who sprinkled icing sugar allover the place???????????????

Car was coated with snowzzzz too

Looks like a White Christmas Tree outside our house

Snow was 40cm deep during the first storm....

Memory of my gigantic footprint!!! (Mwahahaha)

Clearing the snowsssss

Oh...Such a sweet couple! (don't fall off your chair... Give some face lah...)
Let me brag about my hubby.... He is such a sweet, giving, understanding and smart man!!!! He is always my savior whenever I have problem.... and now... he has become my fashion consultant too!!! (He always provides me with comments/ideas whenever I got new purchases or some items that I am contemplating on).... Opps......Sorry for digress.....

Well... Pictures are worth more than a thousand words.... How about video clips??????


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